
Suddenly working remotely? Here’s how to set up your Adelaide Hills property home office.

It’s novel, in that it feels like there’s more time – something that we’ve all been saying we need more of. But, what about with kids now at home? The constant showreel of panic on the news, distracting you? This is an unprecedented situation that is difficult to navigate, fraught with both health and economic concerns. Just remember, we’re all in this together. No person or industry is immune from COVID-19.

If your kitchen table has doubled as a makeshift office, go through these steps to make sure your environment is conducive for productivity.

Your office in your Adelaide Hills property

1. Space where you won’t be disturbed

It’s not easy, with little ones (and pets), but take an objective look at your house to find the best place to set up. Is it a little unused nook where there’s currently storage? A big closet that you can transform into a cloffice? Make sure your work space is away from the living room and kitchen, if possible.

2. Communicate with your people

If space is tight (or it’s difficult to divvy off an area), sit down with your family and discuss how you’ll make this work. Negotiate with your partner, the hours you’ll both work. Agree that these are uninterrupted blocks of time, where the other half will do house and kids’ duties. Lean into your most productive hours in the day and create this structure when energy is the highest. If you work in a team, stay up to speed with their needs, deadlines, and meeting times.

3. Follow a routine. Get changed, take breaks.

Treat your at-home work setup as you would, every other week. Get ready for work (even if you simply get changed), even drive round your block, enjoy a mid-morning coffee refuge, and take a walk at lunch. It’s important to maintain normality, as it’ll keep you grounded. Shut your laptop when the day is over and leave it there. Don’t be tempted to continue checking emails, at 10PM. Create a ‘cue’ that signals work is over, at the agreed time with your team and family.

4. Avoid consuming the news

Your news consumption can creep up, if you’re not careful. Instead of refreshing the reel of stories, allow 15 minutes at the end of the day to get up to date. Social media can also negatively influence your focus, especially if all you see/hear are people saying how productive they are. Reduce your consumption and call friends or family instead.

5. Ask yourself: What did I never have time for before? 

Maintaining your wellbeing (physical, mental and emotional) is critical right now. Ponder activities you’ve always wanted to do, but never had time for. Maybe it’s cooking more, learning yoga, creating a meditation practice or catching up with that old friend (virtually, of course). Usually, the things we push back actually impact on the quality of our lives. Now is the time to take stock of what really matters. Paradoxically, what you’ll discover spurs creativity, motivation, and happiness. With all the space you have in your Adelaide Hills property, you’re the envy of many.

6. Allow for tough days

Don’t pack your schedule full right now. You will experience days where it’s impossible to focus. The fear and anxiety over how long this could last and what the world will look like after, can be debilitating. They’re natural emotional responses and shouldn’t be perceived as ‘distracting.’

Create the space to process these feelings as they arise. Don’t beat yourself up if there’s a time where you’re just not on the ball. We’re living through unprecedented times and life’s changed dramatically, virtually overnight. In moments of fear, nurture yourself and don’t force work, just to ‘be productive.’

Keep updated for the latest updates in how COVID-19 affects real estate and your home. Adelaide Hills, we’re here for you (remotely), too. Get in touch with our real estate agents for all your Adelaide Hills property and community questions.